Wednesday, February 13, 2008

People Watching

People watching

An undecipherable roar, drowns out
Sounds of voice—
Groups and loners crowd around.
Mixing; mismatching.

My eyes only see, the dull red,
Swirling, twirling and making way—
For figures of personality…

Shyness and arrogance part of it all.
And then a little more…making way for,
Cool guys and not so girls,
Wannabes of fashionable,
Is sometimes a sight to see.

Discussions and silence creates a contrast
Between tables,
For good days and bad days, though—
There is never a total silent day.

Missing words in Chinese fills out
The ones in English,
A colorful mix, I must say.
Sometimes a glimpse of subtle
Flirting… shy smiles and distracted eyes.

Watching…a spill!
And then
'So unglam!' Was said.

Silence commemorated frantic last minute
Studying…shhh! Be quiet! I'm trying to see!

And then those mindless chatting, gossip
Weather reports and trashy news,
All drift through the wind.

Shift, shift…it's getting softer…


Dayvne said...
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Dayvne said...

In the first stanza, it shows how the canteen is very crowded and noisy.' an undecipherable roar' is used to show that all the noise of people chatting and eating is 'mixing' together and one cannot hear the actual conversation.

'groups and loners crowds around' shows that there were alot of people, but also shows a very distinct seperation between people and their cliques.

Dayvne said...

in the 2nd stanza, 'the dull red'refers to the uniforms of the students, wheich are red in colour, but not bright red, the colour having been washed out.

the focus then comes onto the figures wearing red,'figures of personality'after the impact of the redness has faded away, in which 'swirling, twirling' shows a stunned moment.

litalight said...

At first glance, Davita's poem seems to slant towards the 'dark side'... Hahaha... I mean it seems to have spotted the 'mismatched' characters, put them under a magnifying glass to analyse their individual weaknesses and "size them up" and deposit them into categories like 'wannabes', 'fashionables', 'loners' and groups'. No one can escape the eager and watchful eyes of the poet.