Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Highlight of the Week: Somebody's Poem from 2007

Hi, people! Every week, I'll be posting somebody's poem in this blog. There will be a new poem by an unknown poet every week. The original poem is posted as it is. No changes will be made by me unless the poet requests for me to help edit it. Overtime, you guys would probably figure out who the poets are, but let's focus on the poems themselves. =) Do apply the literary devices that you have learnt to better appreciate each poem and comment on its effect on you.


Arts Arts on the wall,

Done By students with talent,

After looking at my surrounding

Students looking in weird way,

Upon looking far out away,

I see buildings surrounding school,

It was in the afternoon,

Sunlights shining through the air,

Thank Goodness sun was present,

I can see things clearly,

Sensing all the dirt around,

Seeing all the foot prints,

School was unperfect, after all.


Anonymous said...

I wonder who wrote this poem ?!

This poem is talking about school, &how the poet feels.

The poet could be thinking in a negative way, "Thank Goodness sun was present, I can see things clearly".
The poet reveals the feeling that he/she thinks that school's not a perfect place for him/her.

He/she may feel that school isn't as "innocent" as it was.
"School was unperfect after all".

Riyan Pato said...

This poem is quite all describes that everything is always not perfect and also use the surroundings such as nature for the poem..

Anonymous said...

I wrote this poem laaaa. HAHAHA. Not.

Well, anyway, about this poem. It describes about the speaker's first day of school or is amazed by the school's surrounding. Also, this could be from a different perspective: a bird's eye view of the school.

The poet uses alliteration in his poem whereby : "I see... Sunlights Shining.." and "....Surrounding School".

And I think that the speaker realises something unique from the school and its environment. Hah.

Fatinah Ok said...
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Fatinah Ok said...

Let me guess who wrote this poem.Uhh,should be someone from Lit class.Heh :D

About the poem,the poet emphathises more on his/her surroundings; Buildings,sun,dirt etc.
Also from the quote,"Thank Goodness sun was present" & "I can see things clearly" probably shows that during the time when he/she wrote the poem,it is kind of dark and the poet appreciates the sun for giving out its light to show him/her a sense of direction.

The poet too uses alliteration as mentioned by Azyan.

litalight said...

It's amazing what our eyes can see when we take the time off our busy schedule and remember to open them wide. =)

alex said...

hi, this poem is talking about the negative side of the school from'school's unperfect after all'

Huiyi said...

the first two lines of this poem actually sounds a little optimistic as the 'Arts on the wall' are 'Done by students with talent' which shows that zhenghua students have talents! Heh heh heh! ;DDD

litalight said...

...And the mysterious poet is...

****Drum roll****


****Clap clap clap****

Next mysterious poet will be featured very soon. Please stay tuned! =)

- said...

Hm, not bad uh Alex. I think it describes the school and shows the negative side of the school!