Wednesday, March 19, 2008

While I am sick... (Dedicated to my Lit pupils in 4E2 '08)

dear Lit kids
Fallen ill
I now have

I must go

Leaving you
Far behind
In the cold

Read pages
from 74
to the end

Attempt them

Questions on
77 and
78 too

Hop on next
to 82.
And once done...

Fill 96,
97 and
99 with
your brilliance

Must be done


And that's the
Very end.


P/s: For those who have troubles comprehending the poem above, here's a simpler version. Read from Page 74 to Page 119. Attempt questions on the following pages: 77, 78, 82, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 115, 116 and 119.

Reminder: the upcoming Lit CA will test you on To Kill A Mockingbird and the Unseen. =) Good luck! Try to write at least 3 pages with different well-supported points, substantiated with evidence and explanation. Remember to think of the wider implications like themes and impact on society. Impress me! =) Hehehe...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Leap of Faith

A saint once decreed
That a man must agree
To a woman
Give me a sign
Whether to meet me at eight
At the
same place you sit
And fulfill the tradition of february 29

It was a leap of faith.